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  • Fits a standard microscope slide
  • Automated scanning of the whole slide
  • Easy connect with external screen and keyboard, or remote desktop
  • accelerated image processing with Google Coral TPU

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Bill Of Materials (BOM)

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Total price: 799,23 €


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Structural components

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Item #NameSpecs.Qty.Price per piece (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
5Aluminum profile20x20x350 mm2€ 6,11€ 1,74€ 13,96
6Aluminum profile40x20x300 mm1€ 11,87€ -€ 11,87
7Aluminum profile20x20x300 mm3€ 7,28€ 1,74€ 23,58
8Aluminum profile20x20x215 mm2€ 8,46€ 1,74€ 18,66
9Aluminum profile20x20x200 mm2€ 7,63€ 1,74€ 17,00
10Aluminum profile20x20x175 mm2€ 7,63€ 1,74€ 17,00
11Corner brackets16€ 6,46€ -€ 6,46
12Rubber feetM44€ 3,68€ 4,96€ 8,64
13SpringM5*15 mm4€ 0,43€ 1,37€ 3,07
14Hinge2€ 0,23€ -€ 0,46
15Lock plate1€ 0,46€ -€ 0,46

Mechanical Fastners

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Item #NameSpecs.Qty.Price per piece (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
16BoltM2*6 mm8€ 1,84€ -€ 1,84
17BoltM2*8 mm12
18BoltM2*10 mm8
19BoltM2*16 mm2
20BoltM3*6 mm2€ 5,75€ -€ 5,75
21BoltM3*8 mm19
22BoltM3*12 mm10
23BoltM3*16 mm | countersunk12
24BoltM3*20 mm4
25BoltM4*8 mm98€ 6,29€ -€ 6,29
26BoltM4*12 mm4€ 6,48€ -€ 6,48
27BoltM4*24 mm2
28BoltM4*60 mm3€ 8,81€ -€ 8,81
29NutM218€ 2,33€ -€ 2,33
30NutM311€ 1,16€ -€ 1,16
31NutM413€ 2,33€ -€ 2,33
32RingM39€ 0,47€ -€ 4,23
33Sliding nutM32€ 0,48€ -€ 0,96
34Sliding nutM4102€ 1,91€ -€ 1,91
35SpacersM2*5 mm2€ 0,23€ -€ 0,46
36SpacersM2*10 mm4
37SpacersM2*15 mm4
38Melt insertM212€ 1,12€ 1,81€ 2,93
39Melt insertM314€ 1,12€ 1,81€ 2,93
40Condenser lenses2€ 23,17€ 10,98€ 57,32
41Thorlabs C mount1€ 31,91€ 10,98€ 42,89
4250 mm spacer1€ 21,25€ 8,89€ 30,14
43Objective4X1€ 12,61€ 0,79€ 13,40


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Item #NameSpecs.Qty.Price per piece (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
44Backplate1€ -
45Bottomplate1€ -
46Light tower plate1€ -
47Top plate1€ -
48Front and side plate1€ -
49Electronics plate1€ -
50Window1€ -

3D printed parts

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Item #NamePrint time.Weigth.Price per kilo (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
51Clamp3 h, 06 min0,033€ 25,61€ -€ 0,85
52Clamp mount0 h, 56 min0,010€ -€ 0,26
53Light tower | Bottom0 h, 55 min0,008€ -€ 0,20
54Light tower | Spacer 10 h, 57 min0,009€ -€ 0,23
55Light tower | Spacer 21 h, 17 min0,012€ -€ 0,31
56Light tower | Top0 h, 26 min0,004€ -€ 0,10
57Sample stage2h, 19 min0,025€ -€ 0,64
58Sample stage holder5h, 57 min0,066€ -€ 1,69
59XY-motor mount1h, 32 min0,017€ -€ 0,44
60Z-motor mount2h, 16 min0,024€ -€ 0,61
61X-endstop mount | left0h, 20 min0,003€ -€ 0,08
62X-endstop mount | right0h, 20 min0,003€ -€ 0,08
63Y-endstop mount | front1h, 30 min0,014€ -€ 0,36
64Y-endstop mount | back1h, 23 min0,013€ -€ 0,33
65Z-endstop mount | top0h, 54 min0,008€ -€ 0,20
66Z-endstop mount | bottom0h, 54 min0,008€ -€ 0,20


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Item #NameSpecs.Qty.Price per piece (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
67LED1 W | Neutral white1€ 0,48€ -€ 0,48
68LED heat sink1€ 1,11€ 1,21€ 2,32
69Raspberry Pi HQ camera1€ 73,76€ -€ 73,76
70Raspberry Pi Pico1€ 1,23€ 1,23€ 2,46
71Male header pins1x202€ 0,23€ -€ 0,46
72Female header pins1x202€ 0,71€ 0,64€ 2,06
73Female header pins1x86€ 0,85€ 0,64€ 5,74
74Custom PCB1€ -
75Capacitor100 uF3€ 1,28€ 1,12€ 4,96
76MOSFET module15A, 400W1€ 0,43€ 0,91€ 1,34
77Power supplyRPD-60A1€ 22,63€ -€ 22,63
78Raspberry Pi 3/41€ 32,18€ -€ 32,18
79SD cardSilicon Power NAND1€ 5,49€ -€ 5,49
80Ventilator kitfor Raspberry Pi 3/41€ 4,54€ 5,66€ 10,20
81TPUGoogle Coral2€ 56,60€ -€ 113,20
82Rocker switch33x25 mm1€ 1,12€ 0,58€ 1,70
83Power socket3 pin1€ 0,69€ 2,69€ 3,38
84End switch6€ 2,21€ -€ 2,21

Wires and connectors

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Item #NameSpecs.Qty.Price per piece (€)Shipping (€)Total per Schistoscope (€)Link
85Wire22 AWG | 550 mm2€ 0,47€ -€ 0,94
86Wire22 AWG | 400 mm1
87Wire22 AWG | 300 mm4
88Wire22 AWG | 250 mm1
89Wire22 AWG | 200 mm4
90Wire22 AWG | 120 mm2
91Wire22 AWG | 100 mm1
92Wire10 AWG | 500 mm2€ 3,28€ -€ 6,56
93Wire10 AWG | 350 mm1
94Wire10 AWG | 150 mm2
95JST connectorXH | female20€ 0,91€ 0,45€ 1,36
96JST plugXH2P | female3€ 0,61€ 0,45€ 2,28
97JST plugXH4P | female4€ 0,83€ 0,45€ 3,77
98DuPont connector2.54 mm | female2€ 0,16€ 0,93€ 1,09
99DuPont plug2.54 mm | female2€ 0,11€ 0,93€ 1,15
100RS connector setfor RPD-60A1€ 6,97€ 5,95€ 12,92
101Spade connector10 AWG | 6.3 mm7€ 4,50€ 1,89€ 6,39
102JST ring connectorJST FV | M31
103USB cableUSB-C to wire | 500 mm1€ 0,47€ -€ 0,47
104USB cableUSB to USB-C | 200 mm2€ 1,30€ 1,89€ 4,49
105USB cableUSB to microUSB | 500 mm1€ 0,47€ -€ 0,47
106USB cableUSB to microUSB | 300 mm1€ 0,47€ -€ 0,47
107USB cablePanel mount2€ 1,72€ 2,15€ 5,59
108USB HUBWaveshare USB HUB hat (B)1€ 17,52€ 1,21€ 18,73
109HDMI cablePanel mount1€ 7,05€ 6,42€ 13,47
110Power cable1€ 0,75€ 5,07€ 5,82


the required time to build the Schistoscope is around 30 hours. This includes the 3D printing, the assembly, the software installation and the calibration.


In order to build the Schistoscope, you will need the following tools:

  • 3D printer
  • Lasercutter
  • Soldering iron
  • Screwdriver set
  • Allen key set
  • Wire cutter
  • Wire stripper
  • Multimeter
  • Computer with SD card reader
  • USB keyboard and mouse
  • screen with HDMI input


In order to build the Schistoscope, you will need the following skills: General design eningeering skills, including knowledge of CAD, 3D pinting, lasercutting, electronics, software installation and calibration.